a good lookin’ photo from thursday night’s Moodgadget Records showcase! hey! photo by Matt Vega http://matthewvega.com mirror kisses vaporwave live music future foggy bowl cut
I must show you the new Mirror Kisses song. Here it is. It is white hot. Source: SoundCloud / Mirror Kisses mirror kisses vaporwave chillwave 90s 90s kid 90s music 80s 80s music 80s fashion bowl cut bad haircut bad hair bad hair day bad hair dont care seapunk aesthetic sea punk vapor wave vapor chill music vaporxpress netart hack the planet net art cyberpunk vhs sad sadgirls sadboys
HEY check out my fuuuuuuuuucking new music video from STEREOgum. HACK THE PLANET “Clanton himself, who could easily be mistaken for a character in the film…” ・:*:・(*/////∇/////*)・:*:・ http://www.stereogum.com/1727345/mirror-kisses-keep-a-secret-video-stereogum-premiere/video/ mirror kisses hack the planet hackers vaporwave esprit chillwave 90s netpunk webpunk VHS VHSart seapunk oldschool rave 1995 chill